
I’m Ryan, a multidisciplinary creative director with over 15 years of experience in art direction, editing, motion and design.

My passion is wit.

Why am I so passionate about wit?! Mostly because robots can’t do it (yet), but ALSO because:

  1. It reveals the essential meaning of a message by reducing complexity and increasing clarity.

  2. It can be applied to any medium, new or old.

  3. It creates humor & joy, and who doesn’t like humor and joy?

What makes me so witty?!

Unfortunately I’m not any wittier than the next creative. My focus is on getting to the right type of wit for the project quickly and collaboratively. And how to execute that idea to a high degree. And I work on getting better at that everyday.

Who would allow this fool to work on their brand?

  • Meta

  • Godiva

  • Google

  • MTV

  • Samsung

  • Walmart

What kind of witty thingamagoops do I make?

  • Advertising campaigns, big & small

  • Social content

  • Brand identities

  • Dumb little animations

  • The best banana pancakes you’ve ever tasted

Work history?

Believe it or not I have a Linkedin page and pay $300 a year for a pro account so PLEASE use it.

Get in touch

I love getting emails from real people. Please address to hollandrt@gmail.com